About Me

Hi, I’m Sam!  My husband and I have survived three babies under the age of three.  Our eldest daughter was 2 years and 8 months when our third was born, so life was hectic and sleepless nights ran through my blood.  I can truly appreciate how important a good night’s sleep is and I want to help make them become a regular occurrence in your household

I have personal experience with my middle daughter being a reflux baby, plus she was born with bronchiolitis that was undiagnosed for 6 months and undoubtedly the most challenging time of my Mum life.  My third daughter was put in a Pavlik harness for hip dysplasia for 8 weeks and again a whole new challenge as a Mum when you have a newborn, plus a couple of toddlers running around.

As a Certified Infant and Child Sleep Consultant my aim is to help you with your child’s sleep and routine needs, which can assist them in sleeping through the night and done in a calm, non-judgemental environment.  Let’s regain your sleep and instead of trying to survive, let’s aim to thrive.

Sam and her 3 children

Sleep training does not mean we will leave your child to ‘cry it out’.  I want you to feel comfortable with this process, knowing we have chosen the right settling technique for your family.  Book your free 15-minute phone consultation now or have a look at the packages I can offer you.